Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Concord News

I hope that everyone has had wonderful holidays!

I wanted to congratulate Kathy, Alex and CAMDEN Crisp as well as Lisa, Jack and CAYLIE Swiger on their re-certifications! Congratulations on a job well done. All of you have grown so much as working teams and I was quite proud of you as I watched you move through each element of the test.
Great job!

Visit paws4people for more information about our Assistance Dog programs, NPOFundingSolutionS for more information about our nonprofit fundraising programs, and CharityRaffles.org to purchase online raffle tickets, support our programs and Win $1Million!
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Thursday, November 11, 2010

Saying thank you doesn't seem to be enough....

This past year I've had the amazing opportunity to work with and meet many veterans through our paws4vets program. Working with our veterans has given me a window that has allowed me to see what it has meant for them to go into combat. The physical, mental and psychological toll of going to war is overwhelming. Every time I've worked with a veteran I am reminded of this.

I am completely humbled and constantly amazed at their sacrifice for our country.

To our veterans, thank you, so much for your sacrifice. You've touched my heart in countless ways. You are all a constant inspiration to me. It is an honor to know each of you, work with you and train dogs for you. After your service for our country I am grateful that I can offer my talent of training dogs as a service to you.

Visit paws4people for more information about our Assistance Dog programs, NPOFundingSolutionS for more information about our nonprofit fundraising programs, and CharityRaffles.org to purchase online raffle tickets, support our programs and Win $1Million!
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Thursday, October 7, 2010

ANNABEL in the newspaper

Hello Everyone,
Thought you would enjoy seeing an article about our very own Mary Lou Kuklentz and her scottie, ANNABEL. Thanks for sharing Mary Lou and congratulations!

Visit paws4people for more information about our Assistance Dog programs, NPOFundingSolutionS for more information about our nonprofit fundraising programs, and CharityRaffles.org to purchase online raffle tickets, support our programs and Win $1Million!
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Wednesday, September 29, 2010

CAROLINE's progress

Ok, June 6th as my last post is absolutely shameful! So very sorry about the long, long dry spell. In that time, CAROLINE went back to the prison at Alderson for a training follow up on heeling and the "pay attention" command. "Pay Attention" is when the dog alerts her handler when someone is approaching from behind. An incredibly important command, especially for our veterans. This command allows them to know when someone is coming up to them, even if their back is turned, eliminating the surprise factor.
Since her return, I've noticed that CAROLINE has gained some maturity and is definitely more focused on her work. She's able to work through more distractions and can maintain her heel position even if her handler is distracted. Up until now our trips in public have been training trips-not true shopping trips. I have had to be totally focused on her-reminding her to watch me, heel, not sniff inappropriate things, etc. Now that she is more relaxed and in control of herself our trips involve real shopping. I have a big grocery list, or am distracted with browsing, etc. We're also fading out food through the process. Places that we visit frequently she doesn't need much food to maintain focus. Places that are harder because the of the amount and type of smells (such as Petsmart) she still needs a lot of food, but she's not nearly as distracted. In fact yesterday, she was so great in Petsmart I was ready to jump for joy! So, so, so proud of my girl CAROLINE and the progress she's making!

Visit paws4people for more information about our Assistance Dog programs, NPOFundingSolutionS for more information about our nonprofit fundraising programs, and CharityRaffles.org to purchase online raffle tickets, support our programs and Win $1Million!
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Wednesday, June 16, 2010


CAROLINE has been making wonderful progress in her training. We've been working very hard on her attention and heeling while out in public and I am very impressed with how hard she works and how quickly she's coming along. We've been to Target, Walmart, Concord Mills Mall, Dick's Sporting Goods, Marshalls, Bed Bath and Beyond, Staples, Starbucks, Panera...all of those multiple times. Each time we go out she shows more and more focus and attention. It's a really lovely to watch her grow and mature in her training. Also, she and I were down at Ft. Stewart this week working with Jeff. Jeff is doing a great job handling her in all kinds of stressful situations. I think my favorite part is walking several feet behind the two of them and watching them work together and develop as a team. The picture of the two of them walking together in a store that I know Jeff wouldn't be visiting for any reason in the world other than to be with CAROLINE....well, that says it all!
Fiona and I got to visit Jack the other day at Levine Children's Hospital in Charlotte as well. When I told Fiona we were going to see Jack she was sssoooooo excited she could hardly contain herself. They got to play a little in the rec room (not many toys for kids their age but they found stuff to "mess" with) and then they watched part of a movie, had snack together, took a walk and visited with Jack's neighbors that came also. Fiona was in utter denial at having to leave. All the way out the hospital she kept saying "But I don't WANT to leave! I want to STAY with JACK!"

Visit paws4people for more information about our Assistance Dog programs, NPOFundingSolutionS for more information about our nonprofit fundraising programs, and CharityRaffles.org to purchase online raffle tickets, support our programs and Win $1Million!
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Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Hi Everyone,
I am very happy to have CAROLINE here in Concord for the beginning of her public access training. She came about two weeks ago and we are planning on having her about a month (maybe I can convince Terry to let me keep her longer!) Now that I've done this a few times I'm know what to expect from a dog that is new to being in public. It's a really fantastic process to watch because I get to see how they start and I know how they'll finish. For example, the first time they walk into the Concord Mills Mall the look on their face says "HOLY COW I didn't know all this stuff existed! Look at that! LOOK at that! Look at THAT! What's that crazy person doing? A sliding door? It m-o-v-e-s! That freaks me out! Sit?? I can't sit! Who can sit in the middle of all this craziness!" But after a couple of months, they walk into the mall and say "Crazy person-who cares! Sliding door-no problem. A big moving train in the middle of the mall-I got it mom-I only look at YOU! What do you want me to do? Get my leash? Retrieve your keys? Ignore the screaming child poking my rear end? No problem!" It really is a beautiful transition to watch. Reminds me of when I used to teach first grade and the kids would start the year not knowing how to read and they'd leave at the end of the year-reading. It's a miracle and I'm honored to be a part of the process.

Speaking of being honored to be a part of the process, Jeff (one of our veterans) and his mom, Carol came up to Concord last night to participate in some of CAROLINE's public access training. I threw A LOT of challenges at Jeff (I'm certain more than I even realize) and he handled them all incredibly well. He and CAROLINE really operated as a team-they were completely focused on each other and worked hard. Excellent job Jeff! Thank you for being willing to step so far outside of your comfort zone!

Visit paws4people for more information about our Assistance Dog programs, NPOFundingSolutionS for more information about our nonprofit fundraising programs, and CharityRaffles.org to purchase online raffle tickets, support our programs and Win $1Million!
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Monday, May 3, 2010

News from North Carolina

Hey Everyone!
It's been such a long time since I've blogged! :( So very sorry! I'll do my best to bring everyone up to speed on what's been happening.....(the following events are not in chronological order...I'm just throwing in everything I can remember!)

1. We had a fabulous 5K race in Wilmington thanks to Angie and the wonderful Wilmington chapter. Lots of support, runners, dogs and paws4people fans. It was great to have so many of us in the same place at once. Truly a rarity!!

2. Eliot Swiger and CAYLIE passed their public access test on the 23rd. Way to go Eliot and CAYLIE! They did a really great job together. I did have to make sure that Eliot knew (as well as Matt) that both of them have had it really easy....Kathy and Lisa worked very hard to get CAMDEN and CAYLIE past their public access "hump"! Then the men breeze in and say "what's so hard about this??" gotta love it :)

3. Buf and SALLY graduated at Alderson on April 14th!!! YEA!!!! These two are such an incredible team. It was a wonderful graduation and (as always) an inspiring, humbling, emotional experience to have been involved in the lives of such an outstanding person and dog. I am grateful for every moment I've spent with both Buf and SALLY. We also got to meet Buf's dad and brother-we were so excited that they were able to come to WV to attend the graduation.

4. I had another great Alderson visit last week and had the pleasure of taking up a new yellow lab mix puppy. One of our Concord volunteers, Rebecca fostered this wonderful pup from Kreitzer's Critter Coral Puppy Rescue. She called me up one day and said "Karen, I think you'd really like this puppy! He's so relaxed and laid back-he's just what you're looking for!" Now, that is a great phone call to get! I met the puppy (who's name was KRINGLE, but is now CHANCE-our inmate trainers wanted to rename him) and he was as fabulous as she had described. Rebecca adopted him and donated him to paws4people. CHANCE is now in the loving arms of our trainers at Alderson. They are incredibly excited to have him. In fact, they all practically turned into a big pile of mush saying "he's soooo cuuuute!" when they saw him. He is absolutely adorable. Thank you Rebecca and Kreitzer's Puppy Rescue!

5. Our Concord chapter of paws4people had another dog evaluation and handler training this past Saturday at Dorton Park. Congratulations to Sheila and her dog Slate, Kelly and her dog Nikki. Both of you will be wonderful therapy dog teams! We also had several people attend handler training who are interested in working with some of our current certified dogs. Thank you everyone for coming out to learn the "in's and out's" of handling therapy dogs!

I think that brings everyone up to date....more soon!

Visit paws4people for more information about our Assistance Dog programs, NPOFundingSolutionS for more information about our nonprofit fundraising programs, and CharityRaffles.org to purchase online raffle tickets, support our programs and Win $1Million!
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